

2024-02-08 分类:综合

TIPS:本文共有 2572 个字,阅读大概需要 6 分钟。



1.The shortmessage interface module is added to increase the system expansion ability.该系统实现了录制和收听留言等基本功能,同时扩充了网络功能,可根据用户需求自由设定,使得留言的收听更加方便。

2.The readers can leavemessage online convenient,through it the library may receive the information about what the readers want.网络为读者提供了与图书馆沟通、交流的虚拟平台,网上留言可以让图书馆便捷地收到读者反馈的信息。


1.Is there any telephone message for me?有电话留言留我吗?

2.To post a message, please click on the "bulletin board" icon at the bottom of this page.如果想要留言,请在页末的"留言板"上单响,即可进人留言版面。

3.a pad of paper on which messages can be written.用于写留言的便笺簿。

4.Would you please take a message?请你代我留言好吗?

5.Making telephone calls, receiving calls and leaving messages打电话、接电话和留言

6.decisions, minutes of meetings, telephone messages决定、会议记录、电话留言,

7.that she has taken while Mrs. Beaman was out.不在期间的电话留言。

8.are there any messages for room number 555?有 555 号房间的留言吗?

9.I play back the message on my answering machine .我倒带听答录机的留言。

10.I play back the message on my answer machine.我倒带听答录机的留言

11.Message Center Manufacturing Based on Flash,ASP and AccessFlash+ASP+Access制作留言板

12.Visiting person has left the words praised on the visitor"s book.参观者在留言簿上留下了赞扬的话。

13.Visitors left approving remarks in the comment book.参观的人在留言簿上留下了赞扬的话。

14.Buying this old bike cost me about one hundred and fifty yuan.起先,没有人能弄懂死者留下的秘密留言.

15.You can also leave a message or letter in your friends electronic mailbox.你也可以将留言或信件留在朋友的"电子邮箱"中。

16.Anonymous has left a lot of comment s on my blog lately.最近「无名氏」在我的部落格上留了许多留言。

17.This interface should be placed in the interfaces module of the messageboard.该接口将代替留言薄的模块接口。

18.Certainly. Oh, you have a message here.没问题。哦,这儿有人留言给你。


leave word book留言本

1.One of the most important functions of individual website isleave word book.留言本是个人网站的一个重要的功能之一,利用JSP技术设计了基于文本的留言本,既可以满足个人网站的需要,又节省了数据库的费用。

3)guestbook system留言系统

1.This paper simply introduces the model of MVC and the structure of Struts,designs and accomplishes theguestbook system based on Struts structure,analyses the functions and flow of the system at the same time,and then gives the points of deficiency and improvement.在简要介绍MVC模式和Struts体系结构的基础上,设计并且实现了一种基于Struts体系结构的留言系统,同时对该系统的功能与流程进行了分析,最后提出了不足和改进的要点。

4)leave word call留言电话

1.The article introduces a new method of implementing multifunctional digitalleave word call based on digital signal processor.给出了一种基于DSP技术实现的多功能数字留言电话的系统设计方法。

5)telephone message电话留言

1.Instead,Americans show a habitual preference fortelephone message.而在美国,手机短信一直难成气候,相反,民众对电话留言却表现出一种惯习性的偏爱。

6)confidential delivery留言保密




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  1. 2024-02-08 07:54依风[西藏网友]
    This is exactly what I needed to boost my English vocabulary. Thank you for putting this together!
  2. 2024-02-08 07:38在寂寞中厮杀黎明[澳门网友]
    Ive been looking for something like this to improve my English skills. Its like a treasure trove of useful phrases!
  3. 2024-02-08 07:23徒手敬岁月✨[山东省网友]
    Wow, this collection of phrases and examples is so helpful for practicing English! Thanks for sharing!